Integrity Exterior Solutions

All windows are rectangular, true? The answer is no. Uniquely shaped windows in Lincoln NE from Integrity Exterior Solutions can significantly enhance the curb appeal of your home by adding character, visual interest, and a sense of uniqueness.

Here are several ways in which uniquely shaped windows can contribute to an attractive exterior:

Architectural Interest

Uniquely shaped windows, such as arched, circular, or triangular designs, can break up the monotony of traditional rectangular windows. These shapes add architectural interest and draw attention to specific areas of your home.

Enhanced Views

Strategic placement of uniquely shaped windows can highlight specific outdoor views or architectural features. Consider installing large, uniquely shaped windows in areas where there’s a beautiful landscape or an interesting focal point.

Natural Light and Ventilation

Non-standard shaped windows can be designed to maximize natural light and ventilation. Consider designs that allow more sunlight into your home, creating a bright and inviting interior.

Focal Points

Use windows to create focal points on your home’s façade. Place them strategically to draw attention to architectural elements or specific areas of interest.

Complementing Design Elements

Coordinate the shapes of your windows with other architectural elements, such as doors, entryways, or exterior trim. Consistency in design creates a cohesive and harmonious look.

Modern or Historical Aesthetics

Geometric shapes, asymmetry, and unique angles can contribute to a more avant-garde and stylish appearance. However, certain uniquely shaped windows are associated with specific historical or period architectural styles. Embrace these shapes to enhance the authenticity of your home’s design if it aligns with a particular era.